Roberto # 2

I kind of wish I could just write my notes for this blog post because they’re really funny but they wouldn’t make sense to anyone so I’ll actually write a post out. You’re welcome. Today we had breakfast at the hostel and there WAS sponge cake (see, clearly very important to us).  We signed up for a free walking tour and gathered outside at the meeting spot.  A short tan man gathered us up and told us he was taking us to the big meeting spot, where we would break up into different groups depending on which tour you wanted.

Us “Wouldn’t it be funny if his name was ALSO Roberto and he was ALSO from Mexico, like our guide from Madrid”

Guide “Welcome, please follow me. My name is Roberto, I’m not originally from here – I’m actually from Mexico but I fell in love with this city”

Collective us “WHAAAAAAT”

Okay maybe that’s not as big a deal to you guys reading this but seriously what are the odds?! So this man was to be referred to as Roberto #2.  Roberto #2 was very kind and answered all kinds of historic and art questions we had as he led us to the meeting spot. We also met an American couple who were on the tour with us.  They only came to Barcelona because Hemingway was there and they were following his path or something.  We broke up into our tour and we were led by Max through the historic story of Catalunya (Barcelona history- look it up). It started to thunder and poured down on us but we continued our tour.  We visited the place were Picasso grew up and learned about the political problems Barcelona had years ago.  He showed us where people put up protests and we learned that the national sport of Barcelona/Catalonia is castell which is basically massive human pyramids.

We finished our tour and stopped into a pretty expensive lunch because of our location.  I had squid ink paella. We went back to our hostel for siesta and to watch twerk videos.  The guys in the suite down the hall came to ask us for a hair dryer, which none of four girls in our room had. After that we went to our hostel for happy hour and fidue dinner (which is the Barcelonean version of paella).  We met an Australian named Eve and Sophie convinced her and her German friends to go on the pub crawl with them. We played a massive game of jenga and then Soph and Sabine went to the pub crawl and Ally and I decided to explore around our area.  We found the plaza del sol, which is a square surrounded by restaurants and bars and a big open space in the middle for you to have a picnic or just hang out.  People had their dogs running around. Ally and I tried to order a mojito but were ignored so we left after people watching for a bit.  We walked around and found a place that was still open and had some tapas and delicious little desserts.  We took our time walking back to the suite and went to bed.

Note: I’m not sure why but at the bottom of my journal for this day someone wrote “Drizzle Drizzle Drizzle” – Sophie, Sabine or Ally – please explain.


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